orderbird (www.orderbird.com) is the market leader for cloud-based point-of-sale systems in the hospitality industry in Europe, offering and expanding intuitive software and integrated payment solutions for neighbourhood businesses. The company has more than 20,000 active Software as a Service (SaaS) licences in use in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France and focuses on innovation in financial services accelerated by POS solutions.
With orderbird PRO, Europe's leading cloud-based iPad POS, business owners can easily comply with rapidly changing fiscal laws, take mobile orders, accept cashless payments and digitally connect with trusted suppliers.
With the new family member MINI by orderbird, the mobile all-in-one cash register, orderbird is expanding its range of products. The smart Android solution combines POS software, card reader, receipt printer and barcode scanner in one device and meets all requirements of the German fiscalization laws (KassenSichV).
orderbird AG was founded in 2011 and employs more than 100 people in Berlin and Vienna. Zu den Investor:innen zählen unter anderem METRO AG, ALSTIN, Digital+ Partners und Concardis GmbH.
Time Line
2010 - The idea
The first conception of orderbird came to the founders on a tablet. As a professional cash register dealer and apple enthusiast, Bastian asked himself: 'Why is it not possible that for a cash register to be as simple and intuitive as an Apple device?' This thought came at exactly the right time: After the release of the iPod touch and iPhone, Apple brought the iPad out on to the market in 2010.
Strengthened by the new technology Bastian brought his friends Jakob, Arthur and Patrick into the fold. Their collective goal was to give a fresh wind to the gastronomy sector. Smaller, independent businesses should finally be given access to the tools and analytics available to large chains.
The first prototype
Die Feuertaufe erlebte der erste Prototyp ihres innovativen iPad-Kassensystems bei der Wiedereröffnung des berühmten P1 in München.
The virgin test for the first prototype took place at the reopening of the infamous P1 in Munich.
Immediately orderbird's first customer was sold on the innovative solution, and soon the topic of the 'Kellner mit dem iPhone' [waiter with iPhone] was causing a stir.
2011 - orderbird AG
With the founding of orderbird AG in March 2011, Berlin, the gastronomy and cash register scene would be turned on its head by the first iPad POS in Germany.
Since then orderbird offers professional, easy to use cash registers and additional products. These provide a flexible alternative to their costly and paperwork-heavy predecessors.
2020 - Today
The solution has proved successful. Today orderbird has over 20 000 active software licenses, making it the market leader for iPad cash registers ins Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France.
With more than 120 employees, the team is united by a passion for gastronomy, local businesses and the mission:
To make neigbourhood businesses more successful.
orderbird PRO: How it works
orderbird PRO is cash register software for iPad, iPod touch and iPhone. Whether taking orders at the table, automating processes for dockets and dining course timing or printing receipts at multiple locations within the restaurant, orderbird PRO offers restaurateurs a secure, digital POS solution tailored to their hospitality needs.
100 % tax office compliant
orderbird PRO fulfils the legal requirements for tax office compliance and tamper-proof cash management in accordance with GoBD and the KassenSichV - this is assured by the KassenSichV guarantee. Due to the integrated Online TSS, all transactions are stored in compliance with the tax authorities, and receipts are provided with the necessary legal information.
Back-office management
MY orderbird facilitates restaurant and bar management and offers business insight – anytime, anywhere. With key figures, reports and graphical evaluations, business development becomes transparent and controllable. Exports can be sent to tax consultants or auditors with the push of a button.
Cashless payment
Whether paying with an EC card, a credit card, contactless, or with a smartphone, Pay enables cashless payment without a base fee, minimum turnover or contract period.
Digital cash book
The fully integrated and digital cash book of orderbird PRO is 100 % tax office compliant, simplifying bookkeeping and enabling ‘push of a button’ reporting for fiscal audits.
Mobile ordering
Service staff take orders with mobile devices and send them wirelessly in real-time to the kitchen or the bar. This reduces walking distances and staffing costs while increasing service quality and sales by up to 20 %.
Automatic course control
With the course control system, each dining course reaches guests with pinpoint accuracy. The counter, bar and kitchen know immediately which tasks they have to process and when. This improves course timing, waiting times are reduced and customer satisfaction increases.
Tables overview
The floor plan view on orderbird’s iPad solution provides service staff with a constant overview of every table. The shape of tables can be easily adapted, numbers can be assigned and availability checked instantaneously.
Guest Management
The guest turbo for increased sales! The guest management packages from orderbird include numerous functions to boost engagement with customers and staff. Some examples are: an online Reservation System, Guest Registration via QR-code, Ordering System for pick-up service and Guest Marketing.
Effective guest management helps restaurateurs reach more guests, increase customer satisfaction and optimises the use of restaurant capacity – leading to a growth in daily sales.
MINI by orderbird: How it works
MINI by orderbird is a handheld POS system, not larger than a card terminal. With MINI by orderbird, products are easily created and edited, the checkout process is simplified and merchants can effortlessly print receipts that are compliant with tax regulations. All this can be done on the go and at any location. MINI by orderbird was developed especially to meet the requirements of retail, service providers and creators.

Intuitive software
MINI by orderbird is delivered ready to go and was designed with an intuitive user interface. The POS software always remains up to date due to the free updates from orderbird. Payment options easily integrated Pay is already integrated with the MINI by orderbird and provides a way to accept all types of payments, whether the customer pays in cash, with credit card or contactless via NFC. The retailer, service provider or creator can enjoy this payment flexibility without a base fee, minimum turnover or contract period.
Mobile receipt printing everywhere
With the integrated receipt printer, MINI by orderbird produces tax office-compliant receipts whether you’re in the store, at an on-site appointment or at a market. Due to the Online TSS, each receipt contains all the necessary information of the German “Belegausgabepflicht” (obligation to hand out receipts).
100 % tax office compliant
With its integrated Online TSS, the MINI by orderbird fulfils all legal requirements for a tamper-proof cash register in compliance with the GoBD and the KassenSichV. This is supported by orderbird’s KassenSichV guarantee.
Everything under control
MY orderbird is also available for the MINI by orderbird and offers business management and insights – anytime, anywhere. Key business figures, reports and graphical evaluations are all there, giving retailers, creators and service providers the tools to make educated business decisions. Tax exports facilitate smooth cooperation with tax consultants and the tax office.